Award Recipients Fall 2015
Edward Gatzke(Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical Engineering I – BMEN 211)Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical Engineering will be reformatted to devote class time to working through problems and answering individual questions, increasing the overall understanding of course objectives and student success. Lectures, practice problems and tutorial videos will be provided online allowing the students to receive individual attention in the classroom setting. A textbook with interactive note sections will also aid in the students ability to gain a more complete understanding of Excel, Matlab and COMSOL. Final Report |
Renee LeClair(Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Medicine – GMED G620)The creation of an iBook resource will enhance student success in and perception of Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Medicine. Through the review of this course's content, iBook training for faculty, iBook development and evaluation, professors will create a flipped version of this course that will strive to better prepare students for a future in the discipline of medicine. This new resource will be customized to the specific topics and objectives of the course, alleviating the stress that many students experienced navigating previous, less course-specific materials and allowing professors to be more aware of their students' progress in the course. Final Report |
Lara Ducate, Kristina Štefanić-Brown and Ursula Engelbrecht(Beginning German I, II, Elementary German, Basic Proficiency in German - GERM 109, GERM 110, GERM 121, GERM 122)With the recent introduction of new, online course materials to the German 100-level sequence, a fully flipped course structure will be implemented with the addition of in-class lessons to support the textbook's online activities. This structure will personalize lessons, allowing students to learn and review grammar online while spending face-to-face class time developing their communication skills. This project will also allow instructors to better fulfill course objectives by spending more time on the communication and cultural aspects of the course. Final Report |