Use the Find a Presenter form to search for Presentations, Presenters or Mentors, with a variety of search criteria for each.
- Enter or select your search criteria, and click the Search button to generate results.
- Filter your results using the Keyword Search Filter text box just above the results table.
- Clear your search criteria and filters using the Reset Values button, and then search again.
- Use the List All button to clear all search criteria and reload the page with a list of all presentations in the results table.
- When using the Category and/or Section filter, you will see the following prefixes. Here are their meanings:
- GS: Graduate Student
- MS: Medical Scholar
- Postdoc: Postdoctoral Scholar
- UG: Undergraduate Student
Keyword Search
Export Results
Presenter Name(s) | Mentor and Co‑Author Name(s) | Abstract Title | Session Time / Location | Poster Number / Oral Presentation Time |