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Giving at South Carolina

Social Media Toolkit

Social Media Ambassadors are the key to Give 4 Garnet's success. Share your network and your passion for Carolina with your friends and family, and show the world your USC pride with the #Give4Garnet hashtag. Follow our easy three-step process to get started!

Share #Give4Garnet on Social Media

  • Step 1

    Sign Up As an Ambassador

    Make sure you've signed up on the Give 4 Garnet Ambassadors page.

  • Step 2

    Choose Your Message

    Use one of the social media messages provided below, or share your own reasons for supporting USC programs.

  • Step 3

    Post on Social Media

    Click the Twitter button to post directly to your feed, or download the images to post on Facebook or Instagram with #Give4Garnet.


Social Media Graphics

Use one of the social media-ready messages below. If you click on the Twitter button to post directly from your account, it will not preview the image until you actually post the tweet. You can also click the download button to save the image and share on another platform.

Messages for Students

  • Students cheering and doing spurs up with an illustration of Cocky on top of the image.



    My experience as a student at @UofSC is preparing me for a great future. Every gift to #Give4Garnet creates opportunities for the next generation of students!

  • Cocky statue with UofSC stamp over it with the text Give4Garnet, every little piece makes a big impact.



    When you #Give4Garnet, you help @UofSC students like me excel in the classroom, gain hands-on experience and prepare for the future.


Messages for Faculty and Staff

  • Detail of garnet, black and white confetti with the UofSC stamp over it with the text Give4Garnet, every little piece makes a big impact.



    I #Give4Garnet because every little piece makes a big impact at @UofSC.

  • Crowd cheering with a garnet colored overlay and the UofSC stamp over it with the text Give4Garnet, every little piece makes a big impact.



    I #Give4Garnet because I’ve seen the impact a @UofSC education has on students. Please join me in supporting scholarships, study-abroad opportunities and other life-changing projects.


Messages for Alumni

  • Night sky with Capstone lit up garnet with the UofSC stamp over it with the text Give4Garnet, every little piece makes a big impact.



    Thankful for the scholarships, internships, study-abroad options, hands-on learning and every other exceptional experience that makes me proud to hail from @UofSC! #Give4Garnet

  • Confetti with a garnet colored overlay and the UofSC stamp that has the text Give4Garnet, every little piece makes a big impact.



    My time at @UofSC changed my life, and now I’m paying it forward. Join me! #Give4Garnet to support scholarships, study-abroad opportunities and more.


Message for Leadership

  • Horseshoe gates with the UofSC stamp over it with the text Give4Garnet, every little piece makes a big impact.



    A @UofSC education doesn’t just transform the lives of our students – it also prepares them to transform the lives of others. I #Give4Garnet because supporting today’s students paves the way for a better tomorrow.



Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
