The Public History Conference Fellowship Travel Fund was established several years
ago by Professor Constance Schulz to help subsidize the costs of travel for Public
History students to attend professional meetings and conferences. In the past we
have been able to pay up to $100 toward your expenses for conference registration,
travel, lodging, food, and so forth.
To apply for funding, send Professor Robert Weyeneth a letter (hard copy only please)
describing the conference you are attending, the dates and locations of the conference,
how attendance will facilitate your professional development, and a budget outlining
your anticipated expenses. If approved, we will reply with a letter asking that upon
your return you submit original receipts for the expenses you wish reimbursed, and
a brief report on the specifics of your attendance, your social security number, and
the address to which the check should be mailed. Note that students in both the museums
and preservation concentrations who are completing the Certificate in Museum Management
can apply directly to McKissick Museum for an additional $100 of reimbursement.
We strongly encourage you to attend professional conferences during your time in the
Public History program (as well as afterwards, of course). We hope that the Conference
Fellowship Travel Fund will facilitate your ability to participate in the profession
in this way.