Recent Graduate Student Completions
PhD Students
- Michael Emett. Topic: “The Northern View of the Southern Shore: Experience, Reconciliation, and Commemoration in Postbellum Charleston, South Carolina.” Advisor: Mark Smith. Current position: Lecturer, University of Alabama Huntsville
- Jill Found. Topic: “Institute of Enslavement: Enslaved Lives at South Carolina College.” Advisor: Bobby Donaldson. Current position: Chief Historian, The Center for Civil Rights History and Research, University of South Carolina.
- Elisabeth Anderson-Horecny. Topic: “From a Colonial Frontier to a Slave Society: ‘Second Slavery’ and the Former Backcountry of South Carolina in the Early Republic, 1780-1833.” Advisor: Mark Smith.
M.A. Public History Students
- Adedoyin Adekunle. Topic: “Enslaved Women: Reproductive Choices and Medicine.” Advisor: Nicole Maskiell. Current position: PhD Student, University of South Carolina.
- Stephen Malenowski. Topic: “‘That Desolate Section of Dixiecrats and Hookworms’: The Rise and Fall of the Cio in Sumter, South Carolina, 1927-1950.” Advisor: Jessica Elfenbein. Current Position: Technical Historic Preservation Coordinator at the Tennessee Historical Commission.
M.A. History Students
- Elizabeth Laney. Topic: “From North to South: North Carolina's Black Union Veterans in the South Carolina Lowcountry.” Advisor: Valinda Littlefield. Current Position: Associate Researcher, Institute for the Study of the Reconstruction Era, University of South Carolina Beaufort.
PhD Students
- Jeff Williams. Topic: “From a Colonial Frontier to a Slave Society: ‘Second Slavery’ and the Former Backcountry of South Carolina in the Early Republic, 1780-1833.” Advisor: Mark Smith. Current position: Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of South Carolina.
M.A. Public History Students
- Ayanna Goines. Topic: “’All the Rights of Native Cherokees’: The Appearance of Black People in Cherokee Society.” Advisor: Nicole Maskiell. Current Position: African American History Consultant, South Carolina Department of Archives and History.
- Gabrielle McCoy. Topic: “’We Are Created Inferior to Men’: Leveraging Horsemanship to Reinforce Gender Expectations, 1830-1861.” Advisor: Thomas J. Brown. Current Position: PhD Student, University of South Carolina.
- Alexandra Miller. Topic: “The Widened Hearthstone Urban Playgrounds as the Infrastructure of Public Mothering, 1900-1930.” Advisor: Jessica Elfenbein. Current Position: PhD Student, George Mason University.
- Jordan Stenger. Topic: “Piratical Transportation: Highlighting Silences in Carolina’s Enslavement and Exportation of Native Americans.” Advisor: Woody Holton. Current Position: Curator, Redcliffe Plantation State Historic Site.
- Thomas Strebeck. Topic: “Lunatics, Liberals and Bloodthirsty Haters: The South in the 1972 Presidential Election.” Advisor: Patricia Sullivan. Current Position: Museum Technical Assistant, Horry County Museum.
- Grant Wong. Topic: “Meditations on Modern America: The Ambiguous Worldview of Transcendental Meditation, 1967-1979.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff. Current Position: PhD Student, University of South Carolina.
M.A. History Students
- Zachary Clary. Topic: “Cashing the Check of Democracy: The American Revolution and Citizenship in the Black Freedom Struggle 1960-1970.” Advisor: Kent Germany. Current Position: PhD Student, Vanderbilt University.
- Elizabeth Sholtis. Topic: “Aspirational Alcohols: Performing Gender and Class in Liquor Advertisements.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff. Current Position: Proposal Coordinator, The Wooten Company. Co-Host of “Where Do I Know Them From?” Podcast
- Riley Sutherland. Topic: “In Her Possession and Keeping Revolutionary War Widows and the Politics of Family Archives, 1820–1850.” Advisor: Woody Holton. Current position: PhD Student, Harvard University.
PhD Students
- Paige Weaver. Topic: “Dynamic Diplomacy and Consumer Culture: Blurring the Lines Between Domestic and Foreign Entanglements During the Reconstruction Era.” Advisor: Mark Smith. Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska Kearney
M.A. Public History Students
- Kathryn Pownall. Topic: “Who Has the Right to Reproduce? Forced Sterilization in South Carolina in the Early Twentieth Century.” Advisor: Joseph November. Current Position: Manager of Education, Mercer Museum & Fonthill Castle
- Margaret Bates. Topic: “The Presbyterian Exception? The Illegal Education of Enslaved Blacks by South Carolina Presbyterian Churches, 1834-1865.” Advisor: Nicole Maskiell. Current Position: Reference & Instructional Services Librarian, University of Alabama
- Henry Capps. Topic: “Roy Acuff, Democratic Candidate.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff.
- Sarai Dai. Topic: “Before the Storm: Youth Hockey in North Carolina Ahead of the NHL’s Arrival.” Advisor: Kent Germany. Current Position: Grants Manager at Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art
- Rebecca Hall. Topic: “’I Like a Fight’: Margaret Sanger and the First Birth Control Clinic in the United States.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff. Current Position: Educator, Gunston Hall
- Presley Ramey. Topic: “Sex (Work) And the City: Sex Work in Columbia, South Carolina, 1860-1880.” Advisor: Jessica I. Elfenbein. Current Position: PhD Student, University of Virginia
M.A. History Students
- Michelle Fieser. Topic: “Flying Saucer of the Smokies: The Debate Over National Park Architecture and Wilderness Values in Clingmans Dome Observation Tower.” Advisor: Thomas Lekan. Current Position: PhD Student, University of Oregon
PhD Students
- Ryan Antonucci. Topic: “Building a New (Deal) Identity: The Evolution of Italian-American Political Culture and Ideology, 1910-1940.” Advisor: Don Doyle. Current position: Adjunct Professor, University of South Carolina.
- Emily Cochran. Topic: “’It Seemed Like Reaching for the Moon’: Southside Virginia’s Civil Rights Struggle…” Advisor: Patricia Sullivan. Current position: Adjunct Professor, Berry College.
- Lewis Eliot. Topic: “Neither Men nor Brothers: Rebellion and Empire in Britain’s Atlantic World, 1807-1884.” Advisor: Matt Childs. Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma.
- Roberto Flores de Apodaca. Topic: “Praying Soldiers: Experiencing Religion as a Revolutionary War Soldier Fighting for Independence.” Advisor: Woody Holton.
- Jillian Hinderliter. Topic: “Patients’ Rights, Patients’ Politics: Jewish Activists of the U.S. Women’s Health Movement, 1969-1990.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff. Current position: Department of African American Studies, University of South Carolina.
- DJ Polite. Topic: “Combating the Pillars of Political Supremacy: Democracy, Citizenship, and Puerto Rican Autonomy under U.S. Jim Crow Empire, 1868-1938.” Advisor: Matt Childs. Current position: Visiting Assistant Professor, African American Studies, College of Charleston.
- Madeline Steiner. Topic: “The Robber Barons of Show Business: Traveling Amusements and the Development of the American Entertainment Industry, 1870-1920.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff. Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of South Carolina.
- Andrew Walgren. Topic: “Media Combat: The Great War and the Transformation of American Culture.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff. Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of South Carolina.
M.A. Public History Students
- Caitlin Cutrona. Topic: “’We are Going to be Reckoned With’: The South Carolina UDC and the South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Museum, 1986-2000.” Advisor: Tom Brown.
- Holly Floyd. Topic: “Engraved in Prejudice: How Currency Displayed the Mindset of the South.” Advisor: Tom Brown.
- Justin Harwell. Topic: “The Governor’s Guards: Militia, Politics, Social Networking, and Manhood in Columbia, South Carolina, 1843-1874.” Advisor: Tom Brown. Current position: United States Army.
- Zoie Horecny. Topic: “Joshua Gordon’s ‘Witchcraft Book’ and the Transformation of the Upcountry of South Carolina.” Advisor: Mark Smith. Current position: Continuing Ph.D. student.
- Maclane Hull. Topic: “’The Once and Future Audubon:’ The History of the Audubon Ballroom and the Movement to Save It.” Advisor: Patricia Sullivan. Current position: Continuing Ph.D. student.
- Kira Lyle. Topic: “A Woman’s Place is in the Archive: Archiving South Carolina Women and the Development of a Counter-Collection.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff.
- Hannah Patton. Topic: “A Culture of Control: Progressive Era Eugenics in South Carolina as a Continuation of Created White Supremacy.” Advisor: Joe November.
- Hannah Thompson. Topic: “Charlotte’s Glory Road: The History of NASCAR in the Queen City.” Advisor: Gabi Kuenzli.
- Carlie Todd. Topic: “Foxy Ladies and Badass Super Agents: Legacies of 1970s Blaxploitation Spy and Detective Heroines.” Advisor: Kent Germany. Current position: Continuing Ph.D. student.
M.A. History Students
- Kamau Pope. Topic: “Shaping a Queer South: The Evolution of Activism from 1960-2000.” Advisor: Valinda Littlefield.
PhD Students
- Melissa DeVelvis. Topic: “Gendering Secession: South Carolina Women and Politics, 1859-1861.” Advisor: Mark Smith. Current position: Bridge Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow, University of South Carolina.
- Robert Greene. Topic: “The Newest South: African Americans, the Democratic Party, and Southern…” Advisor: Marjorie Spruill. Current position: Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Claflin University.
- Andrew Gutkowski. Topic: “The Poisoned Land: Industrial Pollution, Civil Rights, and the Evolution of Environmental (In)-Justice in the U.S. South, 1970-2000.” Advisor: Patricia Sullivan. Current position: Bridge Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow, University of South Carolina.
- Maurice Robinson. Topic: “Asphalt Politics and Grassroots Activism: An Historical Study of the Interstate Highway System in Alabama and Georgia, 1953-1980.” Advisor: Patricia Sullivan. Current position: Bridge Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow, University of South Carolina.
- Caleb Wittum. Topic: “The Chasquis of Liberty: Revolutionary Messengers in the Bolivian Independence Era, 1808-1825.” Advisor: Gabrielle Kuenzli.
M.A. Public History Students
- Emily Martin. Topic: “’They Invaded the Confederate Memorial Mansion:’ Telling Civil Rights History at the ‘Last Capitol of the Confederacy’.” Advisor: Patricia Sullivan. Current position: PhD Program, University of South Carolina Department of History.
- Ragan Ramsey. Topic: “Making Lynching Legal: South Carolina Executes George Junius Stinney, 1944.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff.
- Paige Weaver. Topic: “Resurrecting a Nation through Silk and Diplomacy: American Material Culture and Foreign Relations during the Reconstruction Era.” Advisor: Allison Marsh. Current position: PhD Program, University of South Carolina Department of History.
PhD Students
- Stephanie Gray. Topic: “Restoring America: Historic Preservation and the New Deal.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff. Current position: Assistant Professor of Public History, Duquesne University.
- Sam King. Topic: “Exclusive Dining: Immigration and Restaurants during the Era of Chinese Exclusion.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff. Current position: Adjunct Professor, National Louis University.
- Patrick O’Brien. Topic: “’Unknown and Unlamented’: Loyalist Women in Nova Scotia from Exile to Repatriation 1775-1800.” Advisor: Woody Holton. Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Ave Maria University.
- Oscar Doward. Topic: “Race, War, and Patriotism: The Evolution of African American Army Combat…” Advisor: Paul MacKenzie. Current position: United States Military.
- Ramon Jackson. Topic: “Leaders in the Making: Higher Education, Student Activism, and the Black…” Advisor: Bobby Donaldson. Current position: South Carolina Department of Archives and History.
- Cane West. Topic: “Learning the Land: Indians, Settlers, and Slaves in the Southern Borderlands, 1500-1850.” Advisor: Woody Holton. Current position: National Park Service.
M.A. Public History Students
- Jennifer Melton. Topic: “Complicating the Narrative: Using Jim’s Story to Interpret Enslavement, Leasing and Resistance at Duke Homestead.” Advisor: Tom Brown. Current position: USC Center for Civil Rights History and Research.
- Chelsea Grayburn. Topic: “Useful Beauty: Tiffany Favrile, Carnival Glass, and Consumerism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.” Advisor: Allison Marsh.
- Patrice Green. Topic: “For the Common Man: An Analysis of the United States Space and Rocket Center.” Advisor: Allison Marsh. Current position: Research and Instruction Librarian, Special Collections Libraries, University of Georgia.
- Katelynn Hatton. Topic: “Made to be Forgotten: The Chevalier de Saint-Sauveur & the Franco-American Alliance.” Advisor: Tom Brown.
- Kate Schoen. Topic: “Raising America Racist: How 1920’s Klanswomen Used Education to Implement Systemic Racism.” Advisor: Tom Brown.
M.A. History Students
- Roberto Flores de Apodaca. Topic: “Learning Church: Catechisms and Catechizing in Early New England.” Advisor: Woody Holton. Current position: PhD student, USC Department of History.
Ph.D. Students
- Candace Cunningham. Topic: “’I Hope They Fire Me:’ Black Teachers in the Fight for Equal Education 1910s…” Advisor: Bobby Donaldson.
- Gabriella Angeloni. Topic: “Reading Material: Personal Libraries and the Cultivation of Identity in Revolutionary South Carolina”. Advisor: Dan Littlefield.
- Sadegh Foghani. Topic: “Ayatollahs and Embryos: Science, Politics, and Religion in…” Advisor: Joe November.
- Antony Keane-Dawes. Topic: “A Divisive Community: Race, Nation, and Loyalty in Santo Domingo, 1822-1849.” Advisor: Matt Childs.
- Brian Robinson. Topic: “The Popular Education Question in Antebellum South Carolina, 1800-1860.” Advisor: Val Littlefield.
- Kate McFadden. Topic: “Garagecraft: Tinkering in the American Garage.” Advisor: Joe November.
- Gary Sellick. Topic: “Black Men, Red Coats: The Carolina Corps, Race, and Society in the Revolutionary British Atlantic.” Advisor: Woody Holton.
- Alexandria Russell. Topic: “Sites Seen and Unseen: Mapping African American Women’s Public Memorialization…” Advisor: Wanda Hendricks.
M.A. Public History Students
- Olivia Brown. Topic: “‘Catering to the Local Trade’: Jewish-Owned Grocery Stores in Columbia, South Carolina.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff.
- Moira Church. Topic: “Gladys Bentley and the Performance of Identity.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff.
- Liz Koele. Topic: “‘Remember Them Not for How They Died’: American Memory and the Challenger Accident.” Advisor: Allison Marsh.
- Emmaline Smith. Topic: “They Went to the Field and Were Forgotten: Female Civil War Soldiers in Public Memory.” Advisor: Bob Weyeneth.
- Charlotte Adams. Topic: “Beyond Preservation: Reconstructing Sites of Slavery, Reconstruction, and Segregation.” Advisor: Bob Weyeneth.
- Paul Bartow. Topic: “Politics and the Built Environment: Civic Structures of Eighteenth Century Williamsburg, Virginia and Charleston, South Carolina.” Advisor: Woody Holton.
- Katy Kaslow. Topic: “Anti-Sabbatarianism in Antebellum America: The Christian Quarrel Over the Sanctity of Sunday.” Advisor: Nicole Maskiell.
M.A. History Students
- Megan Bennett. Topic: “The Lost Ones: The Cold War State, Child Welfare Systems, and the Battles Over the Rosenberg Children.” Advisor: Lauren Sklaroff.
- Burke Dial. Topic: “Constructing Scientific Knowledge: The Understanding of the Slow Virus, 1898-1976.” Advisor: Joe November.
- Michelle Herbelin. Topic: “Of Cannonades and Battlecries: Aurality, The Battle of the Alamo, and Memory.” Advisor: Mark Smith.
- Kyle Sanders. Topic: “Perks of Perkins: Understanding Where Magic and Religion Meet for an Early Modern English Theologian.” Advisor: Kay Edwards.
- Sarah Paulsen. Topic: “Black Power and Neighborhood Organizing in Minneapolis, MN: The Way Community Center, 1966-1971.”
Ph.D. Students
- Jennifer Gunter. Topic: “Sex and the State: Sexual Politics in SC in the 1970s.” Advisor: Marjorie Spruill. Current position: Bridge Humanities Corps Fellow, University of South Carolina.
- Erin Holmes. Topic: “Within the House of Bondage: Constructing and Negotiating the Plantation Landscape in the British Atlantic World, 1670-1820.” Advisor: Woody Holton. Current position: Andrew W. Mellon Post-Doctoral Curatorial Fellow at the American Philosophical Society.
- Andrew Kettler. Topic: “Odor and Power in the Americas: Olfactory Consciousness from
Columbus to Emancipation.” Advisor: Mark Smith. Current position: Adjunct Instructor,
University of South Carolina
Matthew Lockhart. Topic: “From Rice Fields to Duck Marshes: Sport Hunters and Environmental Changes…” Advisor: Bob Weyeneth. Current position: Editor, South Carolina Historical Magazine - James Risk. Topic: “Lamps, Maps, Mud-Machines, and Signal Flags: Science, Technology, and Commerce in the Early United States.” Advisor: Allison Marsh. Current position: Adjunct Instructor, University of South Carolina
- Jennifer Taylor. Topic: “Rebirth of the House Museum: The Woodrow Wilson Family Home and…” Advisor: Allison Marsh. Current position: Assistant Professor of Public History, Duquesne University
- Mark VanDriel. Topic: “Buy For the Sake of Your Baby: Guardian Consumerism in Twentieth Century America.” Advisor: Marjorie Spruill.
M.A. Public History Students
- Joshua Whitfield. Current position: Curator, Amelia Island Museum of History
- Catherine Davenport Flowers. Current position: Academic Advisor, University of South Carolina Honors College
- Justin Davis
- John Lustrea. Current position: Museum of Civil War Medicine
- Cane West. Current position: PhD student, University of South Carolina Department of History
M.A. History Students
- Christian Lear
Ph.D. Students
- Randall Owens. Topic: “G.I. Joe v. Jim Crow: Legal Battles over Off-Base School Segregation of Military Children in the American South, 1962-1964,” Advisor: Marjorie Spruill. Current position: United States Air ForceCaroline Peyton. Topic: “Radioactive Dixie: A History of Nuclear Power and Nuclear Waste in the American South, 1950-1990,” Advisor: Kent Germany
- Neal Polhemus. Topic: “A Culture of Commodification: Hemispheric and Intercolonial Migrations in the Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1660-1807.” Advisor: Matt Childs.
- Chaz Yingling. Topic: “Colonialism Unraveling: Race, Religion, and National Belonging in Santo Domingo during the Age of Revolutions.” Advisor: Matt Childs.
- Jamie Wilson. Topic: “Proslavery Thinking in Antebellum South Carolina: Higher Education, Transatlantic Encounters, and the Life of the Mind.” Advisor: Mark Smith. Current position: Adjunct Instructor, University of South Carolina
M.A. Public History Students
- Kyle Bjornson. Current position: Buffalo Bill Center of the West
- Stephanie Gray. Current position: Ph.D. student, University of South Carolina
- Sarah Lerch. Current position: Museum Educator, Pennsylvania Trolley Museum
- Chris Fite. Current position: PhD student, University of Pennsylvania
- Janie Campbell. Current position: Rogers Lewis Jackson Mann & Quinn, LLC, Columbia
- Alyssa Constad. Current position: General Foundation of Women’s Clubs, Washington DC
- Kathy Keenan. Current position: Honors College, USC
- Sarah Moore
- Will Mundhenke. Current position: Park Ranger for the National Park Service at Capulin Volcano National Monument
- Gary Sellick. Current position: Ph.D. student, University of South Carolina
Allison Baker
Casey Lee. Current position: Tennessee Historical Commission, Nashville TN
Ph.D. Students
- Alan Driggers. Topic: “Boundary Stones: Morbid Concretions and the Chemistry of Early Nineteenth Century Medicine,” Advisor: Ann Johnson. Current Position: Assistant Professor, Tennessee Technical University.
- Timothy Minella. Topic: “Knowing America: The Enlightenment, Science, and the Early Republic,” Advisor: Ann Johnson. Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Bill and Carol Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry, Emory University
- Rachel Monroy. Topic: “On the Trade Winds of Faith: Puritan Networks in the making of the Seventeenth-Century Atlantic World,” Advisor: Daniel C. Littlefield.
- Nathan Saunders. Topic: “Megachurches in America,” Advisor: Lawrence Glickman. Current Position: Curator of Manuscripts, South Caroliniana Library, University of South Carolina.
- Mark T. Evans. Topic: “Main Street, America: Histories of I-95”. Advisor: Mark Smith.
M.A. Public History Students
- Clara Bertagnolli
- Kate Crosby. Current position: Curator of Exhibitions, McKissick Museum, University of South Carolina.
- Kristie DaFoe. Current position: Tryon Palace, North Carolina
- Diana Garnett. Current position: HDR Architectural and Engineering, Colorado
- Britney Ghee
- Kayla Halberg. Current position: Historic Charleston Foundation, South Carolina
- Max Imberman
- Robert Olguin
Ph. D. Students
- David Dangerfield. Topic: “A Hard Row to Hoe: Free Black Farmers in the Antebellum South,” Advisor: Mark M. Smith. Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina, Salkahatchie.
- Laura Foxworth. Topic: The Spiritual is Political: The Modern Women’s Movement and
the Transformation of the Southern Baptist Convention,” Advisor: Marjorie Spruill.
Current Position: Managing Editor, French Historical Studies.
- Margaret Gillikin. Topic: “Saint Dominguan Refugees in Charleston, SC, 1791-1822: Assimilation Accomodation in a Slave Society,” Advisor: Daniel C. Littlefield: Current Position: Assistant Professor, Winthrop University.
- Tyler Parry. Topic: “Love and Marriage: Domestic Relations and Matrimonial Strategies Among the Enslaved in the Atlantic World,” Advisor: Daniel C. Littlefield. Current Position: Assistant Professor, California State University, Fullerton.
- Eric Rose. Topic: “The Charleston School of Slavery: Race, Religion and Community in the Capital of Southern Civilization,” Advisor: Lacy Ford. Current position: Adjunct Professor, University of South Carolina
- Sarah Scripps. “Science Fairs before Sputnik: Adolescent Hobbyists and the Formation of Youth Scientific Communities in Contemporary America,” Advisor: Allison Marsh. Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point.
- Glenda Elizabeth Sherouse. Topic: “The Politics of Homosexuality in the Twentieth Century Black Freedom Struggle” Advisor: Patricia Sullivan. Current Position: ACLS Public Fellow, Human Rights Campaign.
- Ann Tucker. “Newest Born of Nations: Southern Thought on European Nationalisms and the Creation of the Confederacy, 1820-1865,” Advisor: Don Doyle. Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of North Georgia.
- Luci Vaden. Topic: “The Corridor of Shame: The African-American Struggle for Quality Education after Jim Crow,” Advisor: Patricia Sullivan. Current position: Instructor, Liberty University
M.A. Public History Students
- Kimberly Campbell. Current Position: Historic Macon Foundation, Georgia.
- Brian Dolphin. Current Position: Columbia Museum of Art.
- Timothy Hyder. Current Position: Spartanburg County Historical Association
- Meg Southern. Current Position: University of South Carolina
Ph. D. Students
- Tiffany Nicole Florvil. Topic: “Writing Across Differences: Afro-Germans, Gender and Diaspora, 197—1990s,” Advisor: Ann Johnson. Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico.
- Robert Lass. Topic: “The United States Air Force and the Origins of the Information Age,” Advisor: S.P. MacKenzie. Current Position: Air University.
- Barry Malone. Topic: “Divine Discontent: Nathan Carter Newbold, White Liberals, Black Education and the Making of the Jim Crow South,” Advisor: Valinda Littlefield. Current Position: Associate Professor, Wake Technical Community College.
- Tara Strauch. Topic: “Taking Oaths and Giving Thanks: Ritual and Religion in Revolutionary America,” Advisor: Daniel C. Littlefield. Current Position: Assistant Professor, Centre College.
M.A. Public History Students
- Angi Fuller-Wildt. Current Position: University of South Carolina.
- Shane Lesko. Current Position: Americans for Prosperity, Iowa.
- Caitlin Mans. Current Position: Aurora History Museum, Colorado.
- Amanda Noll. Current Position: Lowcountry Digital History Initiative, College of Charleston.
- Kary Pardy. Current Position: Pook and Pook Auction House, Pennsylvania.
- Caroline Sexton. Current Position: Spartanburg County Historical Association
Ph.D. Students
- Joshua Burgess. Topic: “Tracing the Finger of God: The Role of Wonders in Catholic Spirituality in Early America,” Advisor: Jessica Kross.
- Ehren Foley. Topic: “Masculinity and Reconstruction in South Carolina,” Advisor: Mark M. Smith. Current Position: National Register of Historic Places, South Carolina Department of Achives and History.
- Phillip C. Richardson, Jr. Topic: Gaslight, Progress, and the Old South, 1801-1865,” Advisor: Mark M. Smith. Current Position: Assistant Professor William Carey University.
- Michael Woods. Topic: “The History of Emotion and the Coming of the US Civil War,”
Advisor: Mark M. Smith.
Current Position: Associate Professor of History and Director of the Papers of Andrew Jackson, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
M.A. Public History Students
- Katherine Thompson Allen. Current Position: South Caroliniana Library.
- Sarah Conlon. Current Position: Mississippi Department of Archives and History.
- Gabrielle Dudley. Current Position: Emory University Libraries, Georgia.
- Haley Grant. Current Position: Savannah River Archaeological Research Program.
- Katherine Klein. Current Position: Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Washington, D.C.
- Caitlin Podas. Current Position: Mississippi Museum of Art.
- Jo Ann Zeise. Current Position: South Carolina State Museum.
Ph.D. Students
- Justin Liles. Topic: “Thomas Sumter’s Law: Slavery in the Southern Backcountry During the American Revolution,” Advisor: Daniel C. Littlefield. Current Position: Instructor, Colorado Mesa University.
- Rebecca Miller. Topic: “Reporting Race and Resistance in Dixie: The White Mississippi Press and Civil Right, 1944-1964,” Advisor: Patricia Sullivan. Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Missouri, Kansas City.
- Mary Mac Ogden. Topic: “Wil Lou Gray and the Politics of Progress in South Carolina,” Advisor: Wanda Hendricks. Current Position: Assistant Professor, South College.
- Rebecca Swanson. Topic: “Comparative Analysis of Natural Disasters,” Advisor: Mark M. Smith. Current Position: Associate Vice Provost, North Carolina State University.
M.A. Public History Students
- Jennifer Betsworth. Current Position: New York State Historic Preservation Office.
- Rebecca Bush. Current Position: Columbus Museum, Georgia.
- Lee Durbetaki. Current Position: Historical Consultant, Oregon.
- Sarah Swinney Epps. Current Position: Half Price Books, Oklahoma.
- Laura Foxworth. Current Position: Completed USC Ph.D. program.
- Anjuli Granthami. Current Position: Baranov Museum, Alaska.
- Justin McIntyre. Current Position: Ellwood National Forge, Pennsylvania.
- Sarah Scripps. Current Position: Completed USC Ph.D. program.
- Ashley Stevens. Current Position: Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
- Claire White. Nantucket Historical Association, Massachusetts
Ph.D. Students
- David S. Brown. Topic: “Pathways to Power: Charleston Physicians, 1790-1860,” Advisor: Don H. Doyle.
- Michelle Coffey. Topic: “Proving for our Communities, Protecting Our Race, Proving Ourselves: African American Activism and Protest in Depression Era New Orleans,” Advisor: Wanda Hendricks. Current Position: Instructor, University of Memphis.
- D. Lee McAbee. Topic: “Papist Peers and Politics: The Roman Catholic Nobility of England, 1688-1719,” Advisor: Kathryn Edwards.
- David Prior. Topic: “Reconstruction Unbound: American Worldviews in a Period of Promise and Conflict, 1865-1974,” Advisor: Mark M. Smith. Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico.
- Kathryn M. Silva. Topic: “Six Days Thou Shalt Labor: African-Americans in the Southern Textile Industry, 1895-1929,” Advisor: Valinda Littlefield. Current Position: Assistant Professor, Utica College.
- Louis Venters. Topic: “Most Great Reconstruction: The Baha’I Faith in Jim Crow South Carolina,” Advisor: Patricia Sullivan. Current Position: Assistant Professor Francis Marion University.
M.A. Public History Students
- Liz Almlie. Current Position: South Dakota State Historic Preservation Office.
- Ashley Bouknight. Current Position: The Hermitage: Home of President Andrew Jackson, Tennessee.
- Ruth Chan. Current Position: National Museum of the Pacific War, California.
- Kyna Herzinger. Current Position: North Carolina State Archives.
- Celia James. Current Position: Historic Columbia
- Amanda Roddy Holland. Current Position: Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, Arkansas.
- Amanda Bowman Machik. Current Position: Daniel Boone Homestead, Pennsylvania.
- Lauren Safranek. Current Position: Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Washington, D.C.
M.A. Public History Students
- Jami Cassidy Boone. Current Position: South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum.
- Halie Brazier. Current Position: South Carolina State Library.
- Carrie Giauque. Current Position: C & K Historic Consulting, Maryland
- Nate Johnson. Current Position: National Park Service, Washington, D.C.
- Morgen Young. Current Position: Alder, LLC, Oregon.
Ph.D. Students
- Sara Eye Burrows. Topic: “Left to Our Fate: South Carolina Women During the Civil War and Reconstruction,” Advisor: Lacy Ford. Current Position: University of South Carolina.
- Neal Millikan. Topic: “Willing to be in Fortune’s Wary: Lotteries in the Eighteenth Century British North American Empire,” Advisor: Jessica Kross. Current Position:
- Digital Projects Editor, Adams Papers (Massachusetts Historical Society).”
- Christopher Rounds. Topic: “Ireland for Sale: The Marketing and Consumerism of Irish-American Identity,” Advisor: Lawrence Glickman. Current Position:
- Simmons Tate. Topic: “South Carolina’s Reception of English Law,” Advisor: Lacy Ford.
M.A. Public History Students
- Alisha Cromwell. Current Position: PhD candidate, University of Georgia.
- Jan Levinson Hebbard. Current Position: Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, Georgia.
- Santi Thompson. Current Position: University of Houston Libraries, Texas.
- Lindsay Weathers. Current Position: Midlands Technical College.
Ph.D. Students
- Eric Cheezum. Topic: “Discovering Chessie: Waterfront, Regional Identity, and the Chesapeake Bay Sea Monster, 1960-1920,” Advisor: Kendrick Clements. Current Position: Chesapeake College.
- Scott Hileman. Topic: “Sir Thomas Picton, 1758-1815,” Advisor: Owen Connelly. Current Position: Associate Professor Martin Methodist College.
- Rebecca Shrum. Topic: “Mirroring Others/Fashioning Selves: A History of the Looking Glass in America,” Advisor: Mark M. Smith. Current Position: Assistant Professor, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
M.A Public History Students
- Lindsay Crawford Crick. Current Position: University of Kansas Endowment.
- McKenzie Kubly Falvo. Current Position: State Farm Insurance, Washington.
- J.R. Fennell. Current Position: Lexington County Museum.
- Matt Hebert. Current Position: United States Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
- Kate O’Donnell Hopfer. Current Position: Texas State Historical Association.
- Ashley Bowden Hunnicutt. Current Position: Mercer University, Georgia.
- Alexis Thompson Rager. Current Position: National Museum of the Marine Corps, Washington, D.C.
- Patricia Shandor. Current Position: Lexington County Museum.
- Jim Steele. Current Position: North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources.
- Steven Wells. Current Position: City Council, Georgia
- Christopher Ziegler. Current Position: National Park Service, Montana.
Ph.D. Students
- Jacob Blosser. Topic: “Pursuing Happiness: Cultural Discourse and Popular Religion in Anglican Virginia, 1700-1770,” Advisor: Jessica Kross. Current Position: Associate Professor, Texas Women’s University.
- Aaron Haberman. Topic: “Civil Rights on the Right: The Modern Christian Right and the Crusade for School Prayer,” Advisor: Patrick Maney. Current Position: Associate Professor, University of Northern Colorado.
- Jimmy Randall Grant. Topic: “Louis Francis Budenz: The Origins of a Professional Anti-Communist,” Advisor: Kendrick Clements. Current Position: Spartanburg Methodist College.
- Kathleen Hilliard. Topic: “Spending in Black and White: The Slaves’ Economy in the Antebellum South,” Advisor: Mark M. Smith. Current Position: Associate Professor Iowa State University.
- Adam Mack. Topic: “Good Things to Eat in Suburbia: Supermarkets and American Consumer Culture, 1930-1970,” Advisor: Lawrence Glickman. Current Position: Associate Professor, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
- Aaron Marrs. Topic: “The Iron Horse Turns South: A Cultural History of Antebellum Southern Railroads,” Advisor: Mark M. Smith. Current Position: Office of the Historian, State Department.
- Brion McClanahan. Topic: “A Lonely Opposition: James A. Bayard, Jr. and the American Civil War,” Advisor: Clyde Wilson.
- Eric Plaag. Topic: “Strangers in a Strange Land: Northern Travellers and the Coming of the American Civil War,” Advisor: Mark M. Smith. Current position: Founder and Principal Consultant, Carolina Historical Consulting, LLC.
- Brenda Schoolfield. Topic: “For the Better Relief of the Poor of this Parish: Public Poor Relief in Eighteenth Century Charles Town, South Carolina,” Advisor: Jessica Kross. Current Position: Bob Jones University.
- Melissa Jane Taylor. Topic: “Experts in Misery: American Consuls in Austria, Jewish Refugees, and Restrictionist Immigration Policy, 1938-1941.” Advisor: Robert Herzstein. Current Position: Office of the Historian, State Department.
- Kelli C. Walsh. Topic: “Oveta Culp Hobby: A Transformational Leader from the Texas Legislature to Washington, DC,” Advisor: Marcia Synnott. Current Position: Associate Professor, Fayetteville State University.
M.A Public History Students
- Lauren Ham Ayers. Current Position: Maryland Humanities Council.
- Anna Kuntz Elam. Current Position: Seattle Art Museum, Washington.
- Stephanie Stewart. Current Position: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, California.
Ph.D. Students
- Tyler Boulware. Topic: “Rim of the Gap: Negotiating Identity on the Southern Colonial Frontier,” Advisor: Jessica Kross. Current Position: Associate Professor, West Virginia University.
- Kevin Dawson. Topic: “Enslaved Watermen in the Atlantic World, 1444-1888,” Advisor: Daniel C. Littlefield. Current Position: Associate Professor, University of California, Merced.
- Wes Gantt. Topic: “Irish Terrorism, British Counter-Terrorism and United States Foreign Policy, 1865-1922,” Advisor: Kendrick Clements. Current Position: University of South Carolina.
- Jeremy Richards. Topic: “The Political Life of Stanley Fletcher Morse,” Advisor: Marcia Synnott. Current Position: Associate Professor, Gordon State College.
M.A Public History Students
- Heather Carpini. Current Position: S&ME Historical Consulting.
- Drusilla Carter. Current Position: Willimantic Public Library, Connecticut.
- Rebekah Dobrasko. Current Position: Texas Department of Transportation.
- Jody Graichen. Current Position: Historic Preservation Consultant, Georgia
- Elizabeth Coker Hamlett. Current Position: Furman University.
- Krissy Dunn Johnson. Current Position: The Hammond School.
- Georgette Mayo. Current Position: Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture.
- Staci Richey. Current Position: City of Columbia Planning and Preservation Office.
- Beth Wiedower. Current Position: National Trust for Historic Preservation, Texas.